110 tn transformer delivered to extremely challenging destination in Norway
Year of Publication:
- Special transport |
In April 2017 Silvasti delivered 110 tn transformer to Norwegian mountains and the route wasn’t the easiest one.

In April 2017 Silvasti delivered 110 tn transformer to Norwegian mountains and the route wasn’t the easiest one. Transformer was delivered by roro-charter to Norway and it was loaded to floating crane to go around the bridge on the way. Transformer was hanging by floating crane’s slings all the way and after that the transformer was loaded to Silvasti’s trailer for the rest of the delivery. Last part of the delivery was extremely challenging, because of the very difficult and steep roads to the mountains. Because of the over-all gross weight; 165 ton, two trucks; dumper truck and crane truck were needed to help in pulling Silvasti trailer up to the mountains.
Project ran smoothly and there weren’t any problems on the route, thanks to extremely specific route surveys and project planning beforehand. After the delivery Silvasti placed transformer by jacking and skidding to its final position.
Transformer dimensions: 810 x 333 x 416 cm / 110 ton
Total gross-weight was 165 tons.