Transformers from Finland to Germany

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Jacking and skidding operations in Dortmund, Germany. Transformers weighing 43,2 tons from Vaasa, Finland to several sites in Germany During the autumn of 2008 Silvasti delivered several transformers...

Evaporators from Finland to Sweden

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Silvasti executed a project of transporting eight evaporators from Varkaus, Finland to Väröbacka, Sweden. The project was a combined truck – barge transport. Maximum dimensions of the cargo...

90tn locomotive

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In September 2008 Ville Silvasti Oy transported a steam locomotive 300 km from Jyväskylä to Munsala, Finland. Locomotive weights 90...

Silo transport from Kuortane to Hamina

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The silo transport locally in Finland. The dimensions of the silo were 20,0 x 7,0 x 7,0 m and 30...

65tn evaporator from Finland to Spain

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Transportation of an evaporator from Varkaus Finland to Hernani, Spain in 2007. Silvasti transported an evaporator from a Finnish manufacturer into installation site in Hernani, Spain. Dimensions...

Transportations to the Ajos windmill park

Year of Publication:

Transport Company Ville Silvasti Ltd transported the largest windturbine park in Finland in 2007 to Ajos, Kemi. The project consisted of tens of transports and was implemented during the summer and...